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The first step the couple made toward leaving their comfort zone was overcoming the excuses they made in their heads.

Case Studies > Kirt Richards


Stepping out of the safety zone

One could only grow comfortable in the comfort zone. Otherwise, it is a very stagnant position. These are what Steffi reminded Kirt and Mark Richards, a married couple. Leaving the certainty of a monthly paycheck and starting a business is surely a landmark outside anyone’s comfort zone.

Kirt expressed that, “one of the biggest things that we were so scared of was letting go the security of an income. Then you have a lot of people that start saying to you, Oh, don't be silly, that was a silly move to make. So we turn to someone being you that we knew would be extremely positive and give us the inspiration that we needed to really boost us in the right direction.” Steffi then went in, understood the fears and excuses of the couple that are holding them back, and inspired them to become the best that they could be–both in their professional and personal lives.

Baby steps

Behind any great thing was scared, unsure baby steps. And that’s okay. That’s where Steffi comes in. Changing mindsets doesn’t happen in a snap of a finger, both parties–Steffi and the Richards couple needed to actively engage in meaningful sessions, and make sure these translate to action.

The first baby step that the couple made toward leaving their comfort zone was overcoming the excuses they made in their heads. When a person is scared, they let emotions flood their way of thinking. When you remove the fear out of the equation, and eventually the excuses, you’ll realize that you can actually do anything you put your mind to. And that’s what Mark eventually realized.

She became kinder to herself, which is an important thing that a lot of entrepreneurs are not doing enough.

The leap

After sessions with Steffi, the couple finally jumped to the business and did it. There are other things and opportunities in the pipeline that they will also eventually take, because they CAN, and they’re just organizing everything in a clear timeline. Lastly, Kirt said that her time with Steffi was “that buzz of positivity that gives us that real push and inspiration that we need to go and chase after what we want.”